BEG: Old Bangor Sewage Treatment Plant
Hazard Level: 6Main Tunnel Clearance:N/ATidal Coverage: NoKnown # of Tunnels: 0
Hazards: Encounters; Obstacles; Head Injury; Harmful Substances; Falling
Construction Materials: Cinder block, Concrete, Iron/metals
This is the ruined Bangor Sewage Treatment Plant on the Kenduskeag Stream near the urban sprawl projects of outer Ohio St. At this time we do not know how long ago it was abandoned and partly demolished, but it has now turned into a sort of strange park-like area. There are three round open-air holding tank sort of structures, the remains of one demolished building, a mostly intact water tower or holding tank, and several other rectangular inground vats molded out of concrete. A chainlink fence surounds the area, but a well used road leads through where the gate once was, and out the other side of the place.

The round open aired holding tanks vary in details. One is very large and filled with large crushed stones; and it is built into a slight hill so to get onto one side one would only need to step over the concrete lip, but the other side would involve jumping and grabbing the top of the seven foot wall. The other holding tanks are smaller in diameter. Both of them have two to four feet of standing water with a fair amount of aquatic plantlife and slime growing in them. One has a metal railing around part of the top and the other has nothing of the sort. Each of these tanks also has a cement platform built onto the side of it with a square shaft with step irons leading down into the ground. All except for one shaft has been filled in. The one that is still open leads down to a small room next to one of the shafts. The room contains what seem to be a pair of levers or solid metal shafts afixed to metal 5" diameter metal pipes that go from the tank to the other wall. The levers or mandrels seem to be too rusted in place to move, if they ever moved to begin with.

Portions of the demolished building's cinderblock walls still stand about five to six feet tall at the corners. Most of it has been pushed inward filling a good portion of the floor with rubble, though a few areas of the cement floor are clear. We have not found much of interest here, though we have considered clearing the entire floor of rubble in hopes of finding an entrance to a basement.

The mostly intact water tower or enclosed holding tank stands about 25' to 30' tall. It is built mainly of cinderblocks and capped with a domed metal roof. Two square buttresses are built onto the side of the structure, one about 90 degrees around from the other. Both are slightly taller than the tank and are about three feet to a side. Near the top of one buttresses there is a large hole nocked through which might give entry into the tank. The hole in the butress is adjacent to a portion of the tank's wall which has been broken half way through, and a series of holes punched through the cinderblocks; making it possible to climb the side of the tank to the broken area, move along a 6' long ledge, and into the hole in the buttress. Next to the other buttress, foot and hand holds have been punched into the outer walls of the tank and buttress making it possible to climb to the top of the tower. As mentioned before, the top of the tank is about 25' to 30' high and capped with a cap of thin sounding rusty metal. There are several capped and bolted shut portals on the cap, along with a valve at the top.

Several rectangular vats are built into the ground and all of them are different. One looks as though it might have been the foundation for a small building and is filled with rubble. Another has step irons and is split halfway up the middle by a cement partition, it is fairly wet inside. The other one is a deep, narrow channel about two feet wide, bottle necking to about one foot wide at it's midpoint. This last one is also the only place we have found in this site that still has a stream of water flowing through it's pipes.

Photo of one of the filled in pit-shafts with step irons.

Photo of the rectangular concrete vat or foundation.

Photo of the round holding tank with hand rail.

Photo of the large holding tank filled with rocks.

Photo of the split rectangular vat with step irons .

Photo of the ruined building with the enclosed holding tank or water tower in the background.

Photo, closer view of the enclosed holding tank or water tower.

Photo of the shaft that leads down to the small room.

Photo of the wall of the tower, the buttress with the large hole, and the hand/foot holds.

Photo of the metal roof with all it's odd pipes and valves.

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